Horsetail plant has been used for centuries in various forms, like teas, tinctures, infused oils, and paste. Horsetail is a perennial fern (Equisetum arvense) its origin is found in Europe, North America, and Central America. Horsetail contains a plethora of vitamins check out the list below.
Vitamin C
(B1) Thiamine (B2) Riboflavin (B3) Niacin (B5) Pantothenic acid (B6) Pyridoxine
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Phenolic compounds
Kynurenic acid
The medicinal property in horsetail is believed to help with skin, hair, bone health, and diuretic. Horsetail is rich in antioxidants and silica to help eliminate free radicals that can cause cell damage. This plant has been used in the form of tea, capsules, tinctures, and infused oils to aid in skin, hair, urinary tract, and bone health for centuries.
Natural diuretic- Horsetail can increase your bodies excretion of fluids, horsetail is high in antioxidants and has mineral salt concentration.
Promotes healing of wounds- Horsetail contains silica which aids in healing and support skin elasticity.
Promotes hair & nail growth- Horsetail is high in silicon and antioxidants it is a super component to healing of skin, hair, and nail cell regeneration.
May improve bone & Joint health- Silica plays an important role in bone health, our bones naturally contain silica and silica from horsetail can give our bones a boost.
Possible side effects
These examples are a few of many benefits of horsetail plan but while there is a benefit to taking horsetail tea, capsules, or use of poultice. There are some warnings and possible side effects, especially while on certain medications or having certain illnesses. Persons who are pregnant, suffer from alcoholism, on HIV medications (can be contraindicated to anti-viral drugs), on diabetic medications, low potassium levels, and kidney disease, should not be used topically or by ingestion.
Using horsetail can be a beneficial with short term use. long term use is not recommended.
Some of the moderate side effects can be:
Frequent urination
stomach irritation
More serious side effects can be harmful. Especially with prolonged use, which is not recommended.
Kidney issues-lower back pain and pain while urinating.
Heart palpitations
As with many natural herbs and floral's it's best to contact your health care professional before using horsetail. Prolonged use may cause complications.
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